Open 24 Hours with New Features
By Danielle Somerfield, 19th June, 2013
This month Atlantic Shopping introduces a number of new features to its website – and its customer services! With our phone lines now open 24 hours a day and our website looking sharper than ever, there's never been a better time to place an order with us.

At Atlantic Shopping we understand that many of our customers live busy lifestyles and that time is of the essence. We appreciate that you may not always find the time to contact us over the course of the 9-6 working day, which is why we've extended our opening hours so as to make the ordering process easier and more flexible for you.
Whether you wish to buy kitchen stools in the middle of the night, or you're simply seeking a spot of advice, you're sure to benefit from this change.

In addition to this, we've introduced a number of nifty new features to our website. A smooth rollover feature now presents you with the delivery time for a product before you click on it, which is perfect for those in a rush. Also showing approximate dates for products available for pre-order, this simple improvement offers a neat and wholly practical touch.
Finally, our innovative 360 spin graphics mark a slick new addition to many of our product pages, offering a seamless and comprehensive look at a number of designs. Inviting you to explore them from every angle, it helps you to make the best choice for the environment you're shopping for. This is illustrated in the images below, but why not have a quick look for yourself with a peek at the popular Stanford Office Chair.
So what are you waiting for? Have a look around our site and feel free to call 0121 230 1644 if you wish to place an order - we'd love to hear from you!
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